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What do we mean when we use Word's ?

Words are very powerful tools – or are they?

Or is it the human and the human intention that is behind the written / spoken word that gives it its power

The word it’s self cannot hurt, but said with the intention to hurt, a tone to convey hurt, that is when the words take on the power to hurt.

The word it’s self cannot love, but spoken with a resonance of desire, a tenderness, that is when the words take on the power to love

The word it’s self cannot hate, but the anger and the manner in which it is conveyed can demonstrate hate.

The word it’s self cannot motivate, but a voice filled with enthusiasm, with urging with unabashed exuberance – that can and will motivate

How we use words, how we hear words, can mean motivation, inspiration, love, desire – hate, gossip, hurt, humiliation –

 But however they are used words, spoken or written words all have one thing in common – once out there they can never ever be taken back.

So ask yourself this question as a Pilates Professional, how do you use your words?

Do you instruct as an expert - relaying your knowledge as a list of instructions
  • ·         Breathe in here and out here
  • ·         Wide open collar bones
  • ·         Neutral pelvis
  • ·         Natural spine
  • ·         Legs extended
  • ·         Arms long

Or do you coach – choosing words that create visions of personal change, evoke sensations and feelings of wellness, words that educate, motivate, inspire, and build self awareness and confidence

There is a big difference between instructing a class / client and coaching effective and positive change

If as I said earlier words cannot be taken back and are always floating in the ether – well then let’s ensure they are good ones – words that our clients can hook onto during the day and harness for positive change.
Effective and positive change brings self responsibility and self-efficacy
Let us as professionals choose our words carefully.....

BODYFIRM Pilates and Fitness Studios – we speak your language....
Pilates and Wellness Coaching available – call 01 868 4600

Check out these links and read articles on how words can evoke positive change

The Power of Words: The Power of words

ZHealth Episode #59

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