Pancake Tuesday - I love pancakes but cannot eat a traditional one. So what about this gluten free, coeliac friendly and Paleo alternative. This is my take on a recipe by All you need is 1 banana, 2 eggs, teaspoon ground almonds, teaspoon of desiccated coconut and a handful of blueberries- coconut oil. Cinnamon to taste Blender or nutri bullet Blend the banana, eggs, ground almonds and coconut together - i recommend you let the batter settle for approx 2 mins till the bubbles have settled. Heat your pan with coconut oil - pour your mixture as it starts to cook you can add your blueberries on the top when ready flip over (If like me you cannot flip your pancake you can always finish it off under the grill !!! ) then the magic an amazing pancake. Sprinkle with cinnamon to personal taste Enjoy
Health & Primal Nutrition Coach, Mindset Coach - Motivational Speaker, Pilates Master, Author