‘sitting is the new smoking’! It’s not an original title in fact I didnt even make it up! The sad truth it’s the name of an emerging science into the effects our sedentary life styles are having not only on our bodies but our health as well. ‘sitting’ is detrimental to our health and your life. It was actually first coined by Dr James Levine [Mayo Clinic USA] when he wrote his book called ‘get up! Why your chair is killing you and what to do about it’!! This was his study on sitting and its negative impact on our health To date it is estimated the we are on average ‘sitting’ for approx 9.3 hours per day, that a hell of a number when you consider that the same science averages our sleep out at only 7.7 hours in the same day ! So we sit more than we sleep! · For most of us ‘sitting’ at work is inevitable – but couple that with all the other ‘sitting’ we do – · ...
Health & Primal Nutrition Coach, Mindset Coach - Motivational Speaker, Pilates Master, Author