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Showing posts from February, 2013

Pilates for Men

Pilates was of course created by a man, Joseph Pilates . The surge in popularity in recent times may be driven by women, but it should be remembered that Joe Pilates’ original programes were developed with men’s health in mind, and designed to help men overcome conditions, strains and stresses that occur as a result of the daily routine of life or Activities of Daily Living (ADL). In other words, how one walks, sits, carries a case or weight, walks a dog, swings a golf club or tennis racket, kicks a ball, runs, jumps, climbs, rests, etc. Joe Pilates wanted to achieve flexibility and strength through core conditioning (strengthening the muscles of the abdominals and torso) and balanced muscle development and co-ordination throughout the body. In looking at how people approach physical activity, while this can apply to anyone, consider a traditional scenario where a boy takes up a sport or training from an early age and develops poor training practices. By not develo...

Breath and Energise yourself today

Give your self some space today You can do this even at your desk. Sit tall shoulders back and feet flat to the floor. As you mentally count to 3 inhale, as the non breath appears again mentally count to 3 and again as you exhale count to 3 and repeat that 3 count rhythm. Repeat the cyle 5-10 times, or as much as your schedule will allow. Enjoy breathing . Namaste J

FreeMotion RIP:60

FreeMotion RIP: 60 Hi folks - Become on of Irelands first Licensed Freemotion RIP: 60 - Trainers coming to Core Training Solutions @ BODYFIRM Studios RIP: 60 Learn sequencing that utilizes functional training with push,pull trunk and lower body methodology,working each side equally. Using strap on and strap off movements the Rip:60 delivers a unique, high calorie-burn workout that also allows for ample recovery time and faster results A one day course is available with European Freemotion Master Trainer Joyce Gavin - NUMBERS ARE LIMITED – SO PLEASE ENROLL EARLY To enroll please call 01 868 4600 Date: March 1st  10 – 4.00pm Location: CORE TRAINING Solutions @ BODYFIRM Studios Dublin Fee:        €150.00 Fee includes Licensed Certificate from Freemotion Education Core training Solutions Certificate of attendance Manual Workout Pop-up Cards T-shirt CDCs Fitness NASM/ACE CDCs Pilates 5 hours PROGRESSIVE Pi...

121 Private Coaching for Pilates Instructors

In 2013 we are offering Private Coaching Courses to advance your Pilates – Level 3 Mat – Level 1/2 and 3 Reformer – are all available on a 121 tutor / student ratio this format proved very popular and successful from October 2012 with several new Reformer Graduates out working successfully in the market place So time / date restrictions do not apply – Advance your credentials NOW – pick the day / date of your choice – pick up the phone and book today full details on  < >  - instructor training