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Showing posts from July, 2014

What do we mean when we use Word's ?

Words are very powerful tools – or are they? Or is it the human and the human intention that is behind the written / spoken word that gives it its power The word it’s self cannot hurt, but said with the intention to hurt, a tone to convey hurt, that is when the words take on the power to hurt. The word it’s self cannot love, but spoken with a resonance of desire, a tenderness, that is when the words take on the power to love The word it’s self cannot hate, but the anger and the manner in which it is conveyed can demonstrate hate. The word it’s self cannot motivate, but a voice filled with enthusiasm, with urging with unabashed exuberance – that can and will motivate How we use words, how we hear words, can mean motivation, inspiration, love, desire – hate, gossip, hurt, humiliation –  But however they are used words, spoken or written words all have one thing in common – once out there they can never ever be taken back. So ask yourself this questi

When is the Perfect Time ?

When is it ever the right time, correct time, perfect time.   We can talk ourselves into and out of projects, situations, trips, meetings, and lots more – by just saying to ourselves ‘is now really the right time?’ maybe tomorrow or Tuesday would be best ! This thinking does not serve us well, we remain stuck, and inertia becomes our preferred default. So we put off calling that trainer or wellness coach to start our new program We put off that meeting because ... well we can think of lots of reasons Myself when writing a new course or workshop I can easily kill an hour or two gathering the right pens, writing paper, books, and research and making tea, I will start just as soon as I finish this cup of tea – 10 cups later! Well you know tomorrow would be better look at the time I have so much else to do now! It’s just so easy to let things slide, if you don’t book that flight now that holiday / break you really deserve and need will just go on the long f

Happy Abundant Friday

Enlightenment is my 24-hour-a-day job.  awakening to love is what I am doing each morning. I love stretching my mind and acting as if I am already Perfect, Whole, and Complete, right here and right now. My heart is open and receptive to all good as I let go of striving and straining to get what I need, and I know everything I need and desire comes to me in the pervect time / space sequence. I feel peaceful knowing that the Universe is on my side. As I align my consciousness with my Higher Self, I flow with an attitude of serendipity through all kinds of experiences.  Bless another person's good fortune, and know that thee is plenty for all  Louise L. Hay Meditations to Heal Your Life 

4 Week Foundation in Mat Pilates

If you have never tried Pilates before this 4 week course is an ideal way to receive a foundation in the principles of Mat Pilates and to explore this wonderful system. Equally if you are coming back after a lay-off it will refresh the principles and give you that zest to continue.  We are Movement and Therapy Professionals, educated in anatomy and kinesiology, we can provide specific modifications and corrections to assist you in achieving a healthy and well-balanced physique Foundation in Mat Pilates Commencing :                   Monday 28 th July  Check out full details here 

Pilates [Contrology] is not a system of haphazard exercises.....

Transform your body, become as supple as and move with the grace of a tiger "Pilates [Contrology] is not a system of haphazard exercises designed to produce only bulging muscles. ... Nor does Pilates [Contrology] err either by over-developed a few muscles at the expense of all others with resulting loss of grace and suppleness, or a a sacrifice of the heart or lungs.  Rather, it was conceived to limber and stretch muscles and ligaments so that your body will be as supple as that of a cat  and not muscular like that of the body of a brewery-truck horse, or the muscle-bound body of the professional weight lifter you so much admire at the circus" Transform your mind, breathe deeply, relax deeply, visualise - let your brain create! Pilates will free your body from  nervous tension and over-fatigue - your body will become the ideal shelter provided by nature for housing a well-balanced mind. Pilates will free your mind, breathe deeply, relax, utilise our visu