When is it ever the right time, correct time, perfect time.
We can talk ourselves into and out of
projects, situations, trips, meetings, and lots more – by just saying to ourselves
‘is now really the right time?’ maybe tomorrow or Tuesday would be best !
This thinking does not serve us well, we remain stuck, and
inertia becomes our preferred default.
So we put off calling that trainer or wellness coach to
start our new program
We put off that meeting because ... well we can think of
lots of reasons
Myself when writing a new course or workshop I can easily
kill an hour or two gathering the right pens, writing paper, books, and
research and making tea, I will start just as soon as I finish this cup of tea –
10 cups later! Well you know tomorrow would be better look at the time I have
so much else to do now!
It’s just so easy to let things slide, if you don’t book
that flight now that holiday / break you really deserve and need will just go
on the long finger and never happen
To help you get over this ‘inertia ‘check out this article
by Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, 7 strategies to overcome waiting for the ‘perfect
Click here for the full article
Now that you have read the article call us today on 01 868 4600 - Mind Body Wellness - our coaches are waiting to achieve with you .
Now that you have read the article call us today on 01 868 4600 - Mind Body Wellness - our coaches are waiting to achieve with you .
Thank you Dr John Berardi, Co-founder of Precision Nutrition
for sharing this article