“ Roadblocks manifest when we make excuses of why we can’t do something. Roadblocks manifest when we decide to quit instead of fighting until we achieve our goals. We create our own roadblocks , and we are the only person who can overcome these roadblocks if we choose to. Roadblocks are made to make us stronger and smarter. The stronger and smarter we become, the less roadblocks we will encounter in our life.” Nav Vii Namaste, I thank Mother Universe as I start my 5th day at home From hospital I thought to my sanctuary I would never get - surroundings that where familiar, my sofa, my photos, that wonderful wake up to the sunrise as she peeps gently first into my room until she becomes this powerful, wonderful energising ball - until it's time for sunset when she disappears in a blaze of glory upon my horizon - giving way for the glorious moon in all her radiance. Yes for those 10 days in hospital al...
Health & Primal Nutrition Coach, Mindset Coach - Motivational Speaker, Pilates Master, Author